Everyone has become hyper-sensitive to keeping their hands and homes clean during COVID-19. Here are some CDC guidelines for effectively cleaning your home.

Hard Surfaces

  • Wear gloves.
  • Clean routinely touched surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, phones, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc.
  • Clean with soap and water and then an EPA-registered household disinfectant. Diluted household bleach (1/3 cup of bleach/gallon of water) or alcohol solutions with 70% alcohol may also be used.


  • Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick.
  • Do not shake dirty laundry.
  • Launder according to the manufacturer’s instruction using the warmest setting and dry clothes completely.
  • Clean and disinfect laundry hampers
  • Remove gloves and wash hands thoroughly.

Clean Hands Often

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

If you need a professional cleaner, here are some I recommend.

  • Cleaning Time Cleaning Service Reuben Edwards (601) 717 3150
  • New Beginnings Cleaning Service Wylinda Montgomery (601) 622 7214
  • Patty Cuenca (601) 955 5225

The agents at Right Size Realty are practicing CDC Guidelines for social distancing and cleaning to protect our agents, buyers, and sellers. If you are looking to buy or sell a home, give one of our agents a call.

Rodney McCoy 601.383.1019 rmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Jamie McCoy 601.259.0461 jmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Andrew Tyre 601.842.4270 atyre@rightsizerealty.com

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home. Retrieved from: