“Good fences create good neighbors!” Fences can create a lot of privacy. At the same time, they can create disagreements between neighbors. In this issue, we will answer some commonly asked questions about fences.

  • Does homeowner’s insurance cover fence damage?

Generally speaking, damaged fences are covered by your homeowner’s insurance, as long as they are maintained. There may be some limitations. Read you policy carefully. If it’s a shared fence between neighbors, the rule of thumb seems to be that if a well-maintained shared fence is damaged, your insurance will cover up to 50% of the cost of repairs (your share of the fence).

  • Who owns the fence?

Although fences are often interpreted as a property line maker, they are usually installed in such a way that they are located entirely on one property. Ann Cochran, writing for the National Association of Realtors’ home improvement website HouseLogic, says homeowners should know where their property boundaries are before they put up a fence; most fence companies will install a fence a foot inside the line.

Let your neighbor know that you are putting a fence up and discuss what if any permissions you might give them for use of the fence.

  • Who maintains the fence?

Typically, the law places responsibility on both parties because both benefit from the fence. Consequently, when a fence needs repair, both property owners must share the cost. If one party refuses to cooperate, check with a real estate attorney about actions that may be taken. If the fence is on your property, you’re responsible for maintaining both sides; it is also common etiquette to put the more finished exterior side facing toward your neighbor.

Contact one of our agents at Right Size Realty if we can help you with your real estate needs.

Rodney McCoy 601.383.1019 rmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Jamie McCoy 601.259.0461 jmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Andrew Tyre 601.842.4270 atyre@rightsizerealty.com
Allen Wilson 601.985.9231 awilson@rightsizerealty.com
Paul Tyre 601.709.9002 ptyre@rightsizerealty.com
Dianne Nelson 601.421.7094 dnelson@rightsizerealty.com


Gee, O. (July 15, 2021) MOZO. Retrieved from: https://mozo.com.au/insurance/home-insurance/articles/does-home-insurance-cover-that-9-things-you-may-not-know-about-your-policy

Marketing, D. (March 9, 2018). Marketplace. Should a Neighbor Pay for Damaging Your Fence? Retrieved from: https://www.theday.com/article/20180309/BIZ04/180309501

Thompson Reuters (2021). Fencing Laws and Your Neighbors: FAQs. Retrieved from: https://www.findlaw.com/realestate/neighbors/fencing-laws-and-your-neighbors-faqs.html