When most people hear the word “downsizing,” they think about people who have retired and want to move to a retirement community. But, “right sizing” as I like to call it, is about selecting a home or business space that is appropriate for your needs and lifestyle. This also includes right sizing your personal belongings and furnishings.

I was blessed with raising four boys. The space requirements for me, two dogs and a cat are much different today than they were 15 years ago. So, I made the decision to right size my space. I sold my 4-bedroom 2 bath 2,400 sq ft home in the country and moved to a 2BR 2 BA 1,493 sq ft home in the city. That decision involved letting go of furniture and mementos that had been collected over the years. I’m closer to everything that I do and have never regretted my decision.

If you have found yourself with more space than you need or need more space, contact one of our agents and let’s discuss your personal goals and whether “right sizing” is an option for you.

Rodney McCoy | 601.383.1019 | rmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Jamie McCoy | 601.259.0461 | jmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Andrew Tyre | 601.842.4270 | atyre@rightsizerealty.com
Allen Wilson | 601.985.9231 | awilson@rightsizerealty.com
Paul Tyre | 601.709.9002 | ptyre@rightsizerealty.com
Dianne Nelson | 601.421.7094 | dnelson@rightsizerealty.com