An estate sale is often used to liquidate family or estate belongings. It’s much more than a garage sale. They often result from downsizing, moving, divorce, or death. The general public is invited into the home and given the opportunity to purchase items.

Not all estate sale services are the same. Prices and level of service can vary. Ask for written proposals and ask the following questions:

  • What are their fees?
  • How many people visit their website?
  • What is the size of their email list?
  • How do they go about pricing items?
  • How will remaining items be removed from the home when the sale is over?
  • Do they take of cleaning the home when the sale is over?
  • Do they accept credit cards from buyers?
  • Will staff be on hand to manage the estate sale?

Estate sale companies charge fees using three different methods:

  1. A set percentage on the sales
  2. A sliding scale. The higher the sales grosses, the lower your percentage may be.
  3. Evaluating the state in person and quoting a fixed rate based on value and volume.

Click on the link for a list of local estate sale resources.

If you find yourself in need of a real estate specialist to assist selling your home as a result of a divorce, death, or other life changing event, please contact me at (601) 421-4094 or


National Estate Sales Association (2017). How Much to Pay for Estate Sale Services. Retrieved from: