The Jackson metro area has had more than their fair share of rain in January 2020. Many of us remember the devastation from the Easter flood of 1979. Did you know your homeowner’s insurance plan does not cover damage from a flood? According to FEMA, more than 20 percent of flood claims come from properties outside high-risk flood zones. Just 1” of water can cause $25,000 damage to your home. Most flood insurance is written through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). A flood insurance policy normally takes 30 days from the date of purchase to go into effect. So, don’t wait until a flood is imminent to buy a policy. To determine your risk for flooding, check the FEMA Flood Map Service Center.

If you would like more information about flood insurance, contact

  • Amanda Edwards State Farm (601) 790 2600
  • Rob Thames Shelter Insurance (601) 940 2445
  • Or your current insurance carrier

If you are considering buying or selling your home, business or land, feel free to contact me for help.


FEMA (2020). National Flood Insurance Program. Retrieved from:
FEMA (2020). The National Flood Insurance Program. Retrieved from: