When most people hear the word “downsizing,” they think about people who have retired and want to move to a retirement community. But, “right sizing” as I like to call it, is about selecting a home or business 

space that is appropriate for your lifestyle. This also includes right sizing your personal belongings and furnishings.

I was blessed with raising four boys. The space requirements for me and my two dogs are much different today than they were 10 years ago. So, I made the decision to right size my space. I sold my 4-bedroom 2 bath 2,400 sq ft home in the suburbs and move to a 3BR 2 BA 1,600 sq ft home in the city. That decision involved letting go of furniture and mementos that had been collected over the years. I’m closer to everything that I do and have never regretted my decision. To be honest, I could have right sized to a 2-bedroom 2 bath home with 1,400 sq ft.

Some push back I often hear from clients include:

  • I need more space during the holidays. Assume 14 days out of the year, you host holiday gatherings at your home. That represents less than 4% of the time in a year. Do you really need to maintain 2,500+ sq ft when you are only using 1,200 – 1,500 sq ft? Consider exploring Air BNB alternatives for housing your family and guests when they come to visit or renting a large venue to host gatherings. If your children live in the area, consider changing the tradition and let them host the gatherings.
  • I have too much stuff to move to a smaller space. Be realistic about how much stuff you really need. Keeping stuff “in case we need it someday” defeats the whole purpose of right sizing.
  • I hate change. I won’t lie! Moving is stressful. There’s decluttering, packing, negotiating the sell of your home and the purchase of a new home. In the end, I found the short-term inconvenience and stress well worth the end-result.

If you have found yourself with more space than you need or care to manage, contact me at (601) 421-7094 or dnelson@rightsizerealty.com and let’s discuss your personal goals and whether “right sizing” is an option for you.