I’m often asked, “why the name Right Size Realty?” Taking a stroll down memory lane, I recall the excitement of going off to college and the sense of independence that gave me. That 500 sq ft apartment was my castle. I was on my own for the first time in my life. Life was so simple then. After graduation, like many others, I got married and began a family.

With each change in my life came the need for a change in the amount of space I needed. I have successfully raised what I like to refer to as “four revenue producing children.” They have all moved out of the house and my space needs have changed once again.

Each of us finds ourselves needing to RIGHT SIZE our homes and life as changes occur. Whether you’re purchasing your first home, upsizing because of a new baby, adding your in-laws to your household, or downsizing because of death, divorce or retirement, Right Size Realty can help you RIGHT SIZE your home and life.

Unlike many large brokerages, our business model focuses on the quality of agents versus the quantity of agents. While we use technology to document and facilitate the transaction process, our focus is on relationships with our clients. We are here before, during, and years after the transaction. As a result, we provide the best possible experience to our clients. We gauge our success not by our sales, but by others’ satisfaction in our services. The agents at Right Size Realty are available to help you RIGHT SIZE your home and life. Feel free to give us a call.

Rodney McCoy 601.383.1019 rmccoy@rightsizerealty.com
Jamie McCoy 601.259.0461 jmccoy@tightsizerealty.com
Andrew Tyre 601.842.4270 atyre@rightsizerealty.com
Dianne Nelson 601.421.7094 dnelson@rightsizerealty.com